Whole Body Scanning and Regeneration

All healing processes are - fundamentally - magnetic energy. All living cells generate magnetic energy fields (prana). Cells communicate within our body using prana. Unbalances in the prana is a basic cause for health problem. If an external prana source is brought to right exposure site - it can stimulate and establish communication with body cells and cell membranes. Harmonic and balanced resonance contact with the frequencies of the body can thus correct the unbalances in the organism. This magnetic energy field stimulation on varma points (life centers) is quantum varmam, a new revolutionary method derived from ancient siddha varmam. Scientifically it is based on quantum bio-physics - Quantum Energy Information Scanning and Correction. Good health is dependent on the appropriate transfer of information within and between cells. The informational and molecular disharmonies associated with disease can be reversed using appropriate therapeutic signals that stimulate the return to the normal state without adverse effects - Quantum Varma Molecular Signaling.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe - think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration...”
--Nikola Tesla

“The magnetic scalar energy is the elementary energy which the whole life of an organism depends on...”
--Dr Cyrinus Joseph and Dr Camilla Joseph

“Just as earth's magnetic field preserves life, magnet therapy preserves health and prevents disease...”
--Christopher Hills

“I have met with cases for which the contact of a magnetic staff for only half a minute was amply sufficient dose...”
--Dr Samuel Hahnemann

“Magnetic field will in due time develop into a powerful new analytic and therapeutic tool of medicine...”
--Dr. Madelein F. Barnothy

“Cancer cannot exist in a strong magnetic field...”
--Dr. K. E. Maclean, M.D

“Just as earth's magnetic field preserves life, magnet therapy preserves health and prevents disease...”
--Christopher Hills

“A negative magnetic field normalizes the disturbed metabolic functions that cause painful conditions such as cellular edema (swelling of the cells), cellular acidosis (excessive acidity of the cells), lack of oxygen to the cells, and function...”
--Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D

“Whoever uses the magnet will find out that he can not do anything against a lot of illness without it...”

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri: 11:00-16:00
Sat - Sun: CLOSED

Our Body is the Best Doctor - Prevention is Better than Cure - Heal yourself without using pills, needles, drugs or even herbs and supplements.

Our specialties:
--Whole Body Energy Information Frequency Scanning
--Quantum Varmam
--Varma Diet, Mudras, Exercise
--Remote Quantum Varma Wave Stimulation
--Whole body Detoxification, Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Life prolongation



Centreville Mall
103 - 342 Main St
NB E4P 2E7
Please make appointments using text or e-mail
text or voice message: 506 530 0763
e-mail: cyrinus.i.joseph@gmail.com
telegram: @easron

EASRON - Private Quantum Varma Association

--Dr Camilla Joseph, Varma Doctor, DVMS - Doctorate (varma), MD (varma), Quantum Varma Radionics Research Practitioner
--Dr Cyrinus Joseph, Varma Doctor, DVMS - Doctorate (varma), MD (varma), Quantum Varma Radionics Research Practitioner

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